More than 30 years of history
We started our activities in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering and later we extended our acting to the oil and gas industry. We were the first company accredited in all activity areas by ANP to issue local content certificates and we are the only company that kept this accreditation unscathed until today, which provided us a whole photography of the O&G industry.
Today, we offer a large range of services, with proven experience and we have adjusted ourselves to a horizontal management model with a state-of-art technology, allowing us to handle challenges from different perspectives and to propose solutions with excellence.
We stimulate our team of engineers, economists and business administrators to innovate and to improve their competences in a fully modern work environment.
We are agents of change, engaged with social responsibility, acting in non profit projects such as
“Caminhos da Escola” (“School Paths”) and “Navio Hospital” (“Hospital Ship”)